Letter of Invitation Request

Obtaining a Visa

If it is necessary for you to obtain a visa to attend any ASME U.S. - based conference, you can find relevant information about the application process on the U.S. Visas Department of State website.

Apply for your Visa well in advance of your travel! Important steps to remember:

  • Review your visa status, and find out if you need a U.S. visa or a renewal.
  • Review the visa wait times information for interview appointments and visa processing at each embassy and consular section worldwide available on the U.S. Department of State website. Visit the embassy or consular section website where you will apply for your visa to find out how to schedule an interview appointment, pay fees and any other instructions.
  • Plan on an interview at the embassy or consulate, which is required for most visa applicants. As part of the visa interview, quick inkless fingerprint scans should be expected. Some visa applications require additional administrative processing, which requires some additional time. Applicants are advised when they apply.

The Letter of Invitation Request Form

At least one of the following criteria must be met by the requesting party in order to honor the request for a letter of invitation:

  • Be an author of an accepted abstract and/or paper.
  • Have paid the registration fee for this conference.

All authors of accepted abstracts will receive a link to download their personalized letter in the abstract acceptance email notification.

Non-author attendees will be able to download an invitation upon completing the conference registration.

Conference organizers who are not authors should contact your respective staff support for the conference.

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