Issue Briefs

2012: The Future Shaping Mechanical Engineering: Results of An Environmental Scan Conducted for ASME

For 2012, ASME commissioned a consulting firm to develop an environmental scan report detailing comprehensive review of literature and digital sources for trends, issues and opportunities shaping mechanical engineering and ASME over the next 5 -10 years.

2011: Initiative to Address Complex Systems Failure: Prevention and Mitigation of Consequences

For 2011, in response to the tragic events in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010, ASME’s Strategic Issues Committee convened three meetings that brought together experts and the ASME Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) to identify future initiatives that ASME can undertake in 2011 and beyond to contribute to the understanding of the root causes of complex systems failures, methods to enhance their prevention, and more effective mitigation of their consequences in the event of a catastrophic failure.

2010: Engineering for the Developing World Summit Report

For 2010, ASME commissioned a BoP Project Team made up of staff and volunteers, to learn more deeply about the BoP and design a summit that brought external experts together with ASME to explore ways that the organization and the broader engineering community can better serve people and communities in the developing world. The project team designed the program and secured the speakers for the Summit. This report documents that summit, as well as the design decisions made by the project team and potential next steps.

2009: Engineering Solutions for the Base of the Pyramid

In 2009, a study was initiated on the theme of engineering solutions for the “base of the pyramid” (BoP) - the four billion people who live on less than $4 a day. Engineers are likely to be called upon to devise cost-effective ways to increase access to food and clean water, effective sanitation, energy, education, healthcare, revenue-generating activities, and affordable transportation. This scan helped to define the key drivers and emerging characteristics of these issues and their implications for mechanical engineers worldwide and ASME; determine who is leading and identify innovative and successful approaches used by the leaders; present the best practice principles and opportunities for ASME; and identify potential ways ASME could engage in the BoP.

2008: ASME Global Summit on The Future of Mechanical Engineering

In 2008, ASME is convening the Global Summit on the Future of Mechanical Engineering, a two-day conference that will engage the global membership of ASME and provide a forum for the engineering community leaders to discuss trends and issues likely to shape mechanical engineering over the next 20 years. The Summit will be preceded by an environmental scan that will help shape the Summit agenda. For more information, click here.

2007: ASME Innovation Study, Building Best Class Capabilities

In 2007, To further improve the Society’s ability to innovate, ASME commissioned an innovation study to provide a report that can be utilized to help guide the strategic and operational processes for enhancing enterprise-wide innovation at ASME. The project deliverables were benchmarking external nonprofit organizations for innovation best practices, identify current entrepreneurial and development practices within ASME and highlight the innovation gaps and opportunities, and recommend approaches that will help enable ASME.

2006: Environmental Scan of Learning and Innovation

In 2006, we studied two strategic opportunities for the association: collaborative learning communities and technology innovation networks. Please refer to the attached report for a wealth of information on drivers that make these new approaches to learning and innovation a priority, and the best practices that are emerging in these areas.

2005: Six Strategic Issues Shaping the Global Future of Mechanical Engineering

In 2005, we identified six strategic issues that describe a future that is more open, fluid, interconnected and challenging than any period ASME has seen in its 125-year history. These issues frame bold opportunities for ASME to transform its identity, programs and services, and contributions to society.

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