Q & A

Fabricating Mechanical Metamaterials

Engineers are finding a growing number of applications for mechanical metamaterials, which feature unique properties that are determined by their structure.
Researchers Hanxun Jin and Horacio D. Espinosa recently examined some advances in self-assembly techniques that have the potential to fabricate load-bearing mechanical metamaterials in “Mechanical Metamaterials Fabricated From Self-Assembly: A Perspective,” published in April in the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics

Espinosa is a professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Northwestern University. Jin was a postdoctoral researcher in the Division of Engineering and Applied Science at the California Institute of Technology when the paper was published; currently, Jin is a senior research scientist at Washington University in St. Louis. 

We hear about metamaterials a lot these days for all the incredible applications they continue to unlock. What drew you toward studying mechanical metamaterials and what makes them so attractive for engineering compared to other types of metamaterials?

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