Volunteerism and Community

ASME relies on thousands of volunteers who devote their time and talents in support of the critical work we do. From developing life-saving codes and standards, to sharing expertise to advance policy, to engaging in K-12 outreach that will inspire the next generation of engineers, volunteers are the heart of ASME.

Why Volunteer With ASME
Our volunteers contribute to ASME in many different capacities and roles, and they volunteer with us for many different reasons. Some of the many benefits our volunteers get from their participation include: nurture and practice soft skills and business acumen which are critical in the engineering profession; keeping up-to-date on the latest technical developments in emerging fields, new technologies, and cutting-edge engineering developments; developing a professional network of colleagues around the world; giving back to the profession; contributing to the engineering knowledge base; having fun and making friends; and much more.
Read: “ASME Volunteers: The Pulse of Our Society

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