Smart Materials, Adaptive Structures and Intelligent Systems (SMASIS) Division


Our interdisciplinary division brings together diverse experts dedicated to technical advances and applications of smart materials, adaptive structures and intelligent systems. This division has a unique mindset that integrates theoretical, experimental, design, and data analysis within multiple domains and scales. Focal areas include, but not limited to, sensing and actuation, adaptive systems dynamics and controls, active and multi-functional materials, bio-inspired systems, and integrated systems.  This foundational work empowers a range of transformative applications from ideation through commercialization in areas such as vibration, wave and noise controls, energy harvesting, structural health monitoring, and deployable and morphing structures.  Our emerging field is already having value and impact on a range of sectors such as automotive, aerospace, energy, consumer products, medical technology, and more. 


To contact these members, use the ASME Volunteer Leadership Directory

Bjoern Kiefer
TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

Vice Chair
Onur Bilgen
Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University

Eric Freeman
University of Georgia

Janet Sater
Institute for Defense Analysis

Assistant Treasurer
Cornel Ciocanel
Northern Arizona University

SMASIS Division Senate Nominations

We are inviting nominations for our SMASIS Division Senate (formerly known as ASMS Branch). If you were a member of the ASMS branch, your membership will transfer automatically to the SMASIS Division Senate.  If you are a former ASMS branch member and would like to nominate someone, please complete the nomination slide along with a full CV of the candidate. Please email these documents to the Division Secretary (Onur Bilgen Subject line must read: “ASME SMASIS Division Senate Nomination – Nominees Name”. Nomination, discussion, and voting will take place during the upcoming division meeting.  If you are not a former member and would like to be considered, or if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

Honors & Awards

​Major Division Awards

Division Best Paper Awards - Contact Division Vice Chair for information
Mechanics and Material Systems Best Paper Award
Structural Dynamics and Control Best Paper

Division Technical Committee Awards
  Contact Technical Committee Co-Chair for information
  • Active Materials and/or Multifunctional 
  • Active Material Technologies and Integrated Systems 
  • Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Controls 
  • Bioinspired Smart Materials and Systems 
  • Energy Harvesting 
  • Structural Health and Performance Monitoring 

SMASIS Conference Student Competition Awards
  Please contact SMASIS Conference Organizing Committee for information.
  • SMASIS Best Student Hardware Competition 
  • SMASIS Best Student Paper Competition

2024 Call for Awards Nominations

Starting this year, we are adopting a common timeline and standards for all awards under the ASME SMASIS Division. This includes the Division-Level Awards, and the TC Awards

2024 Call for Awards Nominations (Instructions and important dates)

Division-Level Awards. (Contact: Vice-Chair, Onur Bilgen)

Gary Anderson Award (Official ASME Award)
Best Paper in Structural Dynamics and Control (Official ASME Award)
Best Paper in Mechanics and Material Systems (Official ASME Award)
E Garcia Best Paper Award (not yet official ASME)

TC-Level Awards  (Contact: TC Award POC. See award documents)

TC Name Award Name
Bioinspired Smart Materials and Systems Bioinspired Smart Materials and Systems Best Paper
Energy Harvesting Energy Harvesting Best Paper
Active Material Technology and Integrated Systems Active Material Technologies and Integrated System Outstanding Contribution Award
Active and Multi-Functional Materials Active and Multifunctional Materials Outstanding Contribution Award
Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Controls Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Controls Best Journal Paper Award
Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Controls Adaptive Systems Dynamics and Controls Best Conference Paper Award
Structural Health Monitoring Structural Health Monitoring Best Paper Award


2024 Call for Nominations

Starting this year, we are adopting a common timeline and standards for all awards under the ASME SMASIS Division. This includes the Division-Level Awards, and the TC Awards. The awards include:

Division-Level Awards. (Contact: Vice-Chair, Onur Bilgen)

Gary Anderson Award (Official ASME Award)
Best Paper in Structural Dynamics and Control (Official ASME Award)
Best Paper in Mechanics and Material Systems (Official ASME Award)
E Garcia Best Paper Award (not yet official ASME)



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