ASME Announces Policy Impact 2021
As travel to Washington, D.C. for in-person meetings remains impractical due to the on-going coronavirus pandemic, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) has announced a new premiere public policy program, ASME Policy Impact, which will be convened virtually May 24-26, 2021.
This new program, available for free to all ASME members, will include plenary talks, briefings, and discussion panels on the science and engineering issues of the day, and the opportunity for ASME members to meet with their congressional delegation based on their constituency, including both of their state’s Senators and their local congressional district Representative in Congress.
“While ASME’s 2021 congressional visits program will be virtual, ASME members can still make a difference and share their passion for engineering with policymakers,” says ASME Executive Director / CEO Tom Costabile. “ASME is excited to offer our members the opportunity to meet with Members of Congress and their staff to discuss critical issues and legislation affecting the engineering profession.”

ASME’s government relations team represents and advocates for the engineering profession by facilitating a variety of programs aimed at strengthening the role of engineering perspectives in the public policy process. ASME members at all stages of their careers have an opportunity to help "engineer the greater good" by applying their engineering expertise and pragmatic problem-solving approach to the development of sound public policy.
ASME Policy Impact 2021 includes:​
  • Virtual meetings with Members of Congress or their staff facilitated by ASME
  • Plenary sessions and discussion panels on ASME’s public policy priorities
  • Online training with tips on conducting successful meetings with policymakers
  • Advocacy materials and talking points to support ASME member visits with policymakers​
​The deadline for applications to participate in the congressional visits is May 10, 2021.
ASME members can visit to register and learn more about ASME Policy Impact 2021.

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