Women in Standards & Certification (WiSC)
Within ASME Standards & Certification (S&C), the Women in Standards & Certification (WiSC) initiative was established in Spring 2019 with a goal of enhancing the culture of ASME Standards and Certification by providing an inclusive and supportive environment for women.
About WiSC
Within ASME Standards & Certification (S&C), the Women in Standards & Certification (WiSC) initiative was established in Spring 2019 with a goal of enhancing the culture of ASME Standards and Certification by providing an inclusive and supportive environment for women.
Short Term Objectives
- Recognize the valued participation and contributions of women on Standards & Certification committees and activities.
- Provide visibility, networking and knowledge transfer opportunities for women in attendance at ASME S&C events.

Long Term Objectives
- Increase participation and retention of women on Standard & Certification committees through mentorship and networking opportunities.
- Enhance the culture of ASME’s Standards & Certification development by providing an inclusive and supportive environment for women volunteers.

WiSC strives to achieve these goals through:
Upcoming Events
WiSC Presents: ASME DEI Toolkit - Panel Discussion
January 11, 2022
Join us for an informative session about the ASME Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Toolkit. Learn how the toolkit and other industry best practices can be used to promote a welcoming and inclusive environment for our volunteers and for the users of our standards.
During this session, we will hear from:
- Jennifer Cooper, Boeing, ASME Chair for the DEI Strategy Committee
- Kathryn Miller, NIST, Author of Guidance for NIST Staff on Using Inclusive Language in Documentary Standards
- Tom Pastor, Hartford Steam Boiler, ASME Senior Vice President and Chair of the S&C Council
ASME leadership is deeply committed to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) as we fulfill our mission. We want everyone in the engineering community to feel there is a place for them in ASME. The generations graduating from engineering programs today and tomorrow are the most diverse we have seen. In order for ASME to secure our future, we need to make sure they feel a sense of belonging here. If you have examples or suggestions on how ASME committees can address this need, please provide your response to the two questions on this registration form.
The ASME DEI Toolkit may be found here.
Previous Events
WiSC Presents: Career Purpose: Why Your Approach To Work Isn't Working
April 13, 2021
Established engineering professionals anticipate a fulfilling career and a rewarding future. Much to their dismay, sometimes career outcomes disappoint, and work satisfaction seems elusive. Worse, desperate attempts to solve this dilemma fall short as friends and family don’t understand your plights. Do you stay, do you leave, or is additional education the solution? If your end goal is to obtain money, status or benefits, then you miss the profound impacts of having a career. Learn what leads to career unfulfillment, and how to avoid falling into that trap. You will gain a newfound understanding of career purpose. Learn how your approach to work may need to change so that you can cultivate a successful, meaningful future.
WiSC Presents ASME Adapting to a COVID World
October 6, 2020
Learn about how ASME is adapting to a COVID World. Gain insight into how the ASME ecosystem is adapting to meet the demands of the new virtual work environment. Join the discussion with speakers Claire Ramspeck, ASME Managing Director of Standards, Christine Reilley, ASME Sr. Director, Strategy & Innovation, and Kimberly Gates, Operations Manager, TÜV Rheinland AIA Services, LLC, and share your experiences on how COVID has impacted your work and home lives!
Boiler Code Week – Mentoring Matters
February 3, 2020 | Las Vegas, NV
On February 3, 2020 the Women in Standards and Certification (WiSC) group held their second event in conjunction with the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel (BPV) Code Week in Las Vegas, NV. The theme of the event was Mentoring Matters. Tracie Clifford, Vice Chair of ASME Committee on Certification of Non-Destructive Examination Personnel and Quality Control Technicians and Suzanne McKillop, Member of BPV Section III Committee on Construction of Nuclear Facility Components were the guest speakers who drove the conversation with their personal experiences involving mentoring others as well as being a mentee. The event had nearly 50 attendees who joined in on the discussion, asked questions, and shared their own experiences in being a mentor or mentee both in committee work and in their careers.
Boiler Code Week – Inaugural WiSC Event
August 5, 2019 | Minneapolis, MN
The first WiSC event consisted of a panel session that featured Madiha El Mehelmy Kotb (132nd ASME President) as guest speaker, Annemarie Appleton (President of Alloy Stainless Products Co.), and Stacy Marks (Quality Manager at Alfa Laval).
Want to get involved?
Interested in attending future events? Want to request an event or topic? Want to speak at a future event? Want more information? Please contact WiSC@asme.org.

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