Ronald Haupt, P.E.
Senior Consultant, Pressure Piping Engineering Associates, Inc.
Ronald Haupt, P.E., has over sixty years of professional experience in civil/structural and mechanical engineering, principally in the design and analysis of industrial process and energy-related structures, equipment, piping, pipelines, and supports.
Mr. Haupt is the founder and Senior Consultant of Pressure Piping Engineering Associates, Inc. founded in 1985 as CAE Associates. In this capacity, he has provided consulting services for: piping and pipeline failure analysis, cold spring and critical systems design and erection, code vessel and piping construction to assist in obtaining state operating permits, boiler piping design reviews, piping for solar power facilities, and pipeline fitness for service criteria and pipeline repairs. He has developed guidelines for seismic design of mechanical and electrical equipment, provided creep and high pressure (in excess of 5,000 psi) piping design services, assisted in the design modifications for power and petrochemical pressure vessels, developed layouts and designed high pressure/high temperature power and process piping systems, and developed and given over 300 power and process piping design and analysis seminars for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and other organizations and companies.
Prior to this Mr. Haupt co-founded and served as a corporate officer of ECHO Energy Consultants, Inc. where he provided project and technical management of nuclear field services engineering and design, performed thermal-hydraulics and pressure vessel analyses, coordinated nondestructive test programs, provided program verification services for civil and thermal-hydraulic computer codes, and reviewed and assisted in the development of the corporate Quality Assurance Program.
Earlier, Mr. Haupt was a Section Manager and Project Engineer at EDS Nuclear. In this position he developed and implemented Quality Assurance procedures; interpreted regulatory codes; provided direct administrative and technical supervision of personnel performing piping, equipment, and support analysis and design for thirteen domestic nuclear power plants; and developed and verified a set of integrated computer programs to perform static, dynamic, and code compliance analysis of piping and support systems.
Mr. Haupt is the founder and Senior Consultant of Pressure Piping Engineering Associates, Inc. founded in 1985 as CAE Associates. In this capacity, he has provided consulting services for: piping and pipeline failure analysis, cold spring and critical systems design and erection, code vessel and piping construction to assist in obtaining state operating permits, boiler piping design reviews, piping for solar power facilities, and pipeline fitness for service criteria and pipeline repairs. He has developed guidelines for seismic design of mechanical and electrical equipment, provided creep and high pressure (in excess of 5,000 psi) piping design services, assisted in the design modifications for power and petrochemical pressure vessels, developed layouts and designed high pressure/high temperature power and process piping systems, and developed and given over 300 power and process piping design and analysis seminars for the American Society of Mechanical Engineers and other organizations and companies.
Prior to this Mr. Haupt co-founded and served as a corporate officer of ECHO Energy Consultants, Inc. where he provided project and technical management of nuclear field services engineering and design, performed thermal-hydraulics and pressure vessel analyses, coordinated nondestructive test programs, provided program verification services for civil and thermal-hydraulic computer codes, and reviewed and assisted in the development of the corporate Quality Assurance Program.
Earlier, Mr. Haupt was a Section Manager and Project Engineer at EDS Nuclear. In this position he developed and implemented Quality Assurance procedures; interpreted regulatory codes; provided direct administrative and technical supervision of personnel performing piping, equipment, and support analysis and design for thirteen domestic nuclear power plants; and developed and verified a set of integrated computer programs to perform static, dynamic, and code compliance analysis of piping and support systems.