Achievement Awards

ASME Medal, established in 1920, is the highest award that the Society can bestow and is to recognize ‘eminently distinguished engineering achievement.’

Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Award
The Adaptive Structures and Material Systems Award recognizes significant contributions to the sciences and technologies associated with adaptive structures and/or materials systems.

The Arthur L. Williston Medal recognizes an engineering student or recent graduate for “fostering civic service.”

Avram Bar-Cohen Memorial Medal
The Avram Bar-Cohen Memorial Medal recognizes contributions to academic, research, and industrial communities in the broad field of heat transfer and related electronics, photonics, mechanics and packaging phenomena.

Ayyub-Wiechel Risk Analysis Award
The Ayyub-Wiechel Risk Analysis Award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of safety, risk and reliability through practice, research, teaching and/or outstanding leadership.

Barnett-Uzgiris Product Safety Design Award
The Award recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to the safe design of products through teaching, research, and professional accomplishments.

Bergles-Rohsenow Young Investigator Award in Heat Transfer
Award in Heat Transfer is given to a young engineer who is committed to pursuing research in heat transfer, and must have demonstrated the potential to make significant contributions to this field.

Per Bruel Gold Medal for Noise Control and Acoustics
The Per Bruel Gold Medal for Noise Control and Acoustics is given in recognition of eminent achievement and extraordinary merit in the field of noise control and acoustics.

Edward Grood Interdisciplinary Team Science Medal in Bioengineering
The Edward Grood Interdisciplinary Team Science Medal in Bioengineering seeks to recognize a team of scientists and engineers who have collaboratively carried out impactful interdisciplinary science and engineering research in the bioengineering field.

The Edwin F. Church Medal, established in 1972, is awarded to an individual who has rendered eminent service in increasing the value, importance and attractiveness of mechanical engineering education.

The Thomas A. Edison Patent Award, established in 1997, recognizes creativity of a patented device or process that has the potential of significantly enhancing some aspect of mechanical engineering.

Medal of distinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics and mechanical engineering through research, teaching and service to the community over a substantial period of time.

William T. Ennor Manufacturing Technology Award
Award is presented to an individual or team for developing or contributing to manufacturing technology, the implementation of which has resulted in substantial economic and/or societal benefits.

Nancy DeLoye Fitzroy and Roland V. Fitzroy Medal
Medal recognizes pioneering contribution to the frontiers of engineering leading to a breakthrough(s) in existing technology or leading to new applications or new areas of engineering endeavor.

Award is bestowed for outstanding contributions, over a period of years, to the engineering profession and especially to the field of fluids engineering through research, practice, and/or teaching.

Award will be given to a young investigator who is committed to pursuing research in and have demonstrated significant potential to make substantial contributions to the field of bioengineering.

The Zdeněk P. Bažant Medal was established in 2022 by the Applied Mechanics Division and recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of mechanics through research, practice, teaching and/or outstanding leadership.

The Henry Laurence Gantt Medal, established in 1929 and elevated to a Society award in 1999, is given for distinguished achievement in management and for service to the community.

The Kate Gleason Award established in 2011 by the ASME Foundation recognizes the contribution of distinguished female leaders in the engineering profession.

Richard J. Goldstein Energy Lecture Award
Award recognizes pioneering contribution(s) to the frontiers of energy leading to a breakthrough(s) in existing technology, leading to new applications or new areas of engineering endeavor, or leading to policy initiatives.

Melvin R. Green Codes & Standards Medal
Medal for contributions to the development, promulgation, or management of documents, objects, or devices used in ASME programs of technical codification standardization, and conformity assessment.

Award recognizes lifetime contributions to the teaching and practice of vibration engineering.

Award is bestowed on individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of heat transfer through teaching, research, practice and design, or a combination of such activities.

Award is bestowed on an individual in recognition of distinguished and continued contributions over a substantial period of time to the advancement of the science and engineering of tribology.

To recognize an individual who has contributed to the enhancement of standardization of ASME Codes & Standards or Conformity Assessment.

It is presented to an individual who by some great and unique act(s) of an engineering nature has accomplished a great and timely public benefit.

Medal recognizes an individual for an outstanding achievement or a series of significant engineering contributions in developing improvements in the field of personal transportation.

Honorary Membership has come to be regarded as recognition of a lifetime of service to engineering or related fields.
Internal Combustion Engine Award
Recognizes eminent achievement or distinguished contribution over a substantial period of time, which may result from research, innovation, or education in advancing the art of engineering in the field of internal combustion engines.

Maan Jawad Boiler and Pressure Vessel Standards Award
Medal honors volunteers on the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committees who spend time taking a complicated technical subject and simplifying it into equations, charts, tables, etc. to make it practical for use in the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
Johnson & Johnson Consumer Companies, Inc. Medal
Medal recognizes outstanding contribution by an individual, company, or other organization in developing and implementing practices, processes and programs that value and strategically manage diversity and inclusiveness.

Medal is bestowed in recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of solid mechanics with special emphasis on the effective blending of theoretical and applied elements.

This award will recognize individuals who have advanced the art and practice of fluid power motion and control through education and/or innovation.

Allan Kraus Thermal Management Medal
Recognizes individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievements in thermal management of electronic systems and their commitment to the field of thermal sciences and engineering.

The award honors an individual for significant contributions to a secure energy future through innovations in conservation and/or renewable energy technology.

Medal is presented for outstanding personal performance related to designing, constructing, or managing the operation of major steam-powered electric stations using nuclear or fossil fuels.

Bernard F. Langer Nuclear Codes & Standards Award
Recognition of an individual(s) who has contributed through the development and promotion of ASME Nuclear Codes and Standards or the ASME Nuclear Certification Program.

Lakshmi Singh Early Career Leadership Award
The Lakshmi Singh Early Career Leadership Award, established in 2020, recognizes early-career women engineers who have demonstrated considerable leadership in, commitment to, and continued service with ASME.

Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award
The Gustus L. Larson Memorial Award is presented to the engineering graduate who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering within ten to twenty years following graduation.

Medal recognizes accomplishments in the area of bioengineering in the form of significant contributions.

Award recognizes eminent achievement or distinguished service in the field of machine design which is considered to include application, research, development, or teaching of machine design.

Outstanding mentoring of other professionals by an engineer in industry, government, education or private practice.

Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award
The Charles Russ Richards Memorial Award is presented to the engineering graduate who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering twenty years or more following graduation.

M. Eugene Merchant Manufacturing Medal of ASME/SME
Medal of ASME/SME is awarded to an individual who has had significant influence and responsibility for improving the productivity and efficiency of the manufacturing operation(s).

The Van C. Mow Medal is bestowed upon an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of bioengineering and the bioengineering community.

The Nadai Medal is awarded in recognition of significant contributions and outstanding achievements which broaden the field of materials engineering.

Sia Nemat-Nasser Early Career Award
The award recognizes early career research excellence in the areas of experimental, computational, and theoretical mechanics and materials by young investigators.

It is given to one who has made a notable contribution to the field of tribology in research or development as evidenced by important tribology publications.

The Prizes are awarded annually for the best four presentations of technical papers at the Old Guard Contest during the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress.

Duane P. Jordan Early Career Award
The Duane P. Jordan Early Career Award is aimed at furthering the goal of the Old Guard to help the young engineer bridge the gap between college and professional life.

The Rufus Oldenburger Medal recognizes significant contributions and outstanding achievements in the field of automatic control.

Medal is awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contributions to the development and promotion of ASME Performance Test Codes, including the Supplements on Instruments and Apparatus.

The Marshall P. Peterson Award is given biennially in recognition of an early-career achievement and promise for pursuit of research in tribology.

Medal is awarded to the engineering graduate who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in mechanical engineering within ten years following receipt of the baccalaureate degree.

The James Harry Potter Gold Medal recognizes eminent achievement or distinguished service in the science of thermodynamics in mechanical engineering.

Medal is bestowed for contributions in the field of pressure vessel and piping technology including, but not limited to, research, development, teaching.

The Dixy Lee Ray Award, established in 1998, recognizes significant achievements and contributions in the broad field of environmental protection.

Charles T. Main Student Leadership Award
Awards recognizes Student Members whose leadership and service qualities have contributed, for a period of at least one year, to the program and operation of a Student Section of the Society.

The Ralph Coats Roe Medal, established in 1972, recognizes an outstanding contribution toward a better public understanding and appreciation of the engineer'/s worth to contemporary society.

Robert M. Nerem Education and Mentorship Medal
The Robert M. Nerem Education and Mentorship Medal is given to an individual who has demonstrated a sustained level of outstanding achievement in education and mentoring of trainees.

Safety Codes & Standards Medal
Medal is presented individuals who have contributed to the enhancement of public safety through the development and promotion of ASME codes and standards or the ASME safety accreditation activity.

Savio L-Y. Woo Translational Biomechanics Medal
The Savio L-Y. Woo Medal is bestowed upon an individual who has translated meritorious bioengineering science to clinical practice through research, education, professional development, and with service to the bioengineering community.

The Spirit of St. Louis Medal is awarded for meritorious service in the advancement of aeronautics and astronautics.

Award is bestowed on an individual who has made contributions to advance the purpose of the Gas Turbine Industry and to the International Gas Turbine Institute over a substantial period of time.

Milton C. Shaw Manufacturing Research Medal
The award recognizes significant fundamental contributions to the science and technology of manufacturing processes.

This medal was established in 1990, is presented annually to a mechanical engineer for recognition of eminent service to mechanical engineering technology education through contributions toward ASME.

Ruth and Joel Spira Outstanding Design Educator Award
The Award recognizes a person who exemplifies the best in furthering engineering design education.

Medal is presented for distinguished service or eminent achievement in the field of codes and standards pertaining to the broad fields of piping and pressure vessels.

Robert Henry Thurston Lecture Award
Award provides an outstanding leader in pure or applied science or engineering with the honor of presenting to the Society a lecture that encourages stimulating thinking on a subject.
Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics Medal
The Thomas K. Caughey Dynamics Medal is conferred in recognition of an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of nonlinear dynamics through practice, research, teaching and/or outstanding leadership.

The Timoshenko Medal was established in 1957 and is conferred in recognition of distinguished contributions to the field of applied mechanics.

The Yeram S. Touloukian Award, established in 1997, recognizes outstanding technical contributions in the field of thermophysical properties.

The George Westinghouse Medal was established to recognize eminent achievement or distinguished service in the power field of mechanical engineering.

Wilfred C. LaRochelle Conformity Assessment Award
The Wilfred C. LaRochelle Conformity Assessment Award recognizes distinguished service in the area of Conformity Assessment, including but not limited to, the establishment, advancement and promotion of ASME’s Product & Personnel Certification and Accreditation Programs.

The Henry R. Worthington Medal is bestowed for eminent achievement in the field of pumping machinery, systems and concepts.
Joint Awards
ASME members may be eligible and qualified to receive various other engineering awards submitted by other societies, including National Medal of Science, James Watt International Medal, Alfred Noble Prize, Joan Hodges Queneau Award, Kelvin Gold Medal, Niels Bohr International Gold Medal.
Learn more about Joint Awards
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