Design Automation Committee
The Technical Committee on Design Automation is devoted to encouraging activities in the field of design automation, broadly defined. This includes topics spanning design representation, design optimization, design evaluation, and design integration.
You may reach out to the chair and vice chair using ASME's Volunteer Leader Directory (VLD)
DAC Chair | Christopher McComb, Carnegie Mellon University
Conference Chair | Chao Hu, University of Connecticut
Program Chair | Zhimin Xi, Rutgers University
Special Sessions Chair | Souma Chowdhury, University of Buffalo
Industry LIaison | Mehdi Vahab, Mathworks
Former DAC Chair | Julian Norato, University of Connecticut
DAC Awards
The Design Automation Young Investigator Award
The Design Automation Youong Investigator Award recognizes an outstanding young investigator who is making oustanding contributions in the area of desing automation, including but not limited to reserach in areas represented in DAC sessions in the last five years.